May 24, 2018
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Enjoy your bachelor hood

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There are number of stages in a human life, it is starting from childhood and ending with death. The whole peoples in the world are enjoying their life stages in different ways. Experts are saying that childhood is the most enjoyable stage in a human’s life. Do you agree with this? I could not agree with this completely, I can only one thing that child hood is free from problems like financial problems, personal problems and family problems. But childhood is limited with restrictions, we could not travel beyond one area, we could not buy one thing for our wish because we don’t have money and we need to go to school every day, class room, studies, home works etc. making our life with full of problems.

In my opinion bachelor hood is the best stage in a human life. I must say that youngsters enjoying their life more, because they don’t have any limitations. Time limitation, area limitation, money limitation, personal limitation etc. these problems are no affecting our bachelors or youngsters. Nights of metropolitan cities are endless. Our new generation youngsters are enjoying their life with dance, songs, liquors, girlfriends or boyfriends, party etc. In Dubai the main craze of youngsters is Dubai Escorts, dating, rocking parties, travelling with girlfriends etc. I hope that after reading all these factors you are also agreeing with my statement, simply bachelor hood is the most enjoyable stage in the whole life time.

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